
International Brethren Conference on Mission is held every four years.  It brings together national leaders in the Brethren movement from as many different countries as possible, for fellowship, spiritual reflection, renewed experience of the Lord, exchange of information and discussion of matters of mutual interest.
The IBCM5 conference in Strasbourg, France, in June 2011 brought together nearly 500 leaders from the Brethren movement from 90 different countries. The latest conference held in Rome, June 2015. was blessed with over 600 people from 100+ countries. Click here for reports and session notes.
IBCM is the parent body of the Brethren Educational Network. IBCM also encourages conferences with similar objectives in the main regions of the world (see the ‘Regional Conferences’ page of the IBCM website for details of the conferences being planned to take place in 2012 and 2013.

Brethren Archivists and Historians Network (BAHN) encourages historical scholarship on matters of Brethren history. It produces occasional symposia and an annual Brethren Historical Review with articles, book reviews, etc; and organises the bi-annual International Brethren History Conference. Its website includes much of interest to students of Brethren history and others. Website.

John Rylands

Christian Brethren Archive is a major collection of books (at present some 16,000 volumes) and documents relating to the history of the Brethren, both Open and Exclusive, in the UK and in many other countries. It is part of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester in the UK.

biblical studies

Biblical is dedicated to providing electronic access to articles and other materials. It lists all articles published in the UKChristian Brethren Research Fellowship Journal (1963 – 1980) and the Christian Brethren Review (1982 – 1989). Increasingly these articles will be available in digitised form on these webpages: CBRF Journal andChristian Brethren Review